Oracle Cloud vs. AWS

October 18, 2021

Oracle Cloud vs. AWS: Which One Should You Choose?

With the rise of cloud computing, businesses are looking for efficient, flexible and reliable cloud solutions that can lead them to success. When it comes to cloud computing, two big players in the market are Oracle Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this blog post, we'll provide you with a unbiased comparison of these two cloud solutions to help you make an informed decision.

Market Share Comparison

AWS is the current market leader and has been dominating the cloud computing industry for years. According to Synergy Research Group, in Q2 2021, AWS had a market share of 33%, while Oracle Cloud had only 2%.

Pricing Comparison

Pricing is an important consideration for businesses when choosing a cloud solution. While both Oracle Cloud and AWS offer similar pricing models, the actual cost will depend on the specific services you require. Here's a quick comparison of the pricing models:

  • Oracle Cloud: performs better with predictable workloads but can be a bit more expensive than AWS.
  • AWS: cost-effective for unpredictable workloads such as those that are sporadic or short-term.

Features and Services Comparison

Both Oracle Cloud and AWS offer a vast array of features and services. Here's how they stack up against each other:

  • Compute Power: AWS offers EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), while Oracle Cloud provides different compute solutions such as bare metal, virtual machines and containers.
  • Storage: AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) is one of the most widely used cloud storage solutions, while Oracle Cloud offers Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.
  • Database: Oracle's vast database and application capabilities give it an edge in this area, but AWS provides a wide range of database options and tools.
  • Analytics: AWS offers Amazon QuickSight and a variety of other analytics services, while Oracle Cloud users have access to the Oracle Analytics Cloud service.

Support Comparison

Support is something every company needs when they face a problem. Both Oracle Cloud and AWS offer 24/7 support to their customers. However, Oracle Cloud provides a dedicated account manager to its customers as well.


In conclusion, choosing between Oracle Cloud and AWS ultimately depends on your organization's specific needs. AWS has a larger market share, but Oracle Cloud can offer enterprises a more customizable solution as well as better support. Pricing varies depending on the specific services you need. That being said, both AWS and Oracle Cloud are top-tier cloud computing options that will provide your business with reliable cloud service.


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